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Sponsor Packages

Help keep this in the community and be a part of this Unique Family Entertainment.

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Direct exposure to thousands of skaters, family, friends, relatives & spectators.

Option #1 – $250.00

Sponsor will receive –
• Location on the dasher walls for their own 3 foot x 6 foot advertisement sign (3-4 color) plus actual cost to print the signage.
• 25 complimentary tickets to give out to patrons, family or friends.
• 50 $1.00 off coupons (applicable to skate rental fee) to use as a marketing tool to promote their business.
• The opportunity to purchase additional tickets at the discounted rate of only $8.00 each for the skate fee & skate rental combined. ($2.00 off the regular price of $10.00)

Option #2 – $400.00

Sponsor will receive –
• Location on the dasher walls for their own 3 foot x 6 foot advertisement sign (3-4 color) plus actual cost to print the signage.
• A 2-hour private party (Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings) to either skate or play broomball for up to 35 guests.
• 50 $1.00 off coupons (applicable to skate rental fee) to use as a marketing tool to promote their business.
• The opportunity to purchase additional tickets at the discounted rate of only $8.00 each for the skate fee & skate rental combined. ($2.00 off the regular price of $10.00)

Option #3 – $750.00

Sponsor will receive –
• All of option #2
• 25 complimentary admission tickets with skates.
• Recognition in our Front page add in the December eMetro News!